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IF... Ocean


  1. I like this! A perfect mixture between abstract and detailed illustration. It could be an illustration for a story from the ancient Greeks. 'Odysseus and the seamonster' or something like that.

  2. This is such lovely work.

  3. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  4. Palinuru's death :-)

    'uix primos inopina quies laxauerat artus,
    et super incumbens cum puppis parte reuulsa
    cumque gubernaclo liquidas proiecit in undas
    praecipitem ac socios nequiquam saepe uocantem;
    ipse uolans tenuis se sustulit ales ad auras .
    currit iter tutum non setius aequore classis
    promissisque patris Neptuni interrita fertur .
    iamque adeo scopulos Sirenum aduecta subibat,
    difficilis quondam multorumque ossibus albos

    (tum rauca adsiduo longe sale saxa sonabant),
    cum pater amisso fluitantem errare magistro
    sensit, et ipse ratem nocturnis rexit in undis
    multa gemens casuque animum concussus amici:
    'o nimium caelo et pelago confise sereno,
    nudus in ignota, Palinure, iacebis harena . '

    1. I really love the sound of Latin language but... a translation would be useful ;)

    2. * Palinurus' death

      I am sorry I can't find a good translation in English :-(

  5. Hi Paolo, thanks for your comment on my blog. I really love your works, for the style, the technics and the feelings they give to me.


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