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IF... Cat

What one has to do to escape the rage of two fighting plants! To avoid being involved in this weird boxing match our hero has no better idea than putting on a cat costume and hide himself under the table... Will the plants find him after the knock out?


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The mermaid

Currently working at two book projects! Hope they will both see the light by the end of 2019. This sketch is for the illustration of a poetry and travel memories collection by Italian poet Lidia Masci. Inspiring and challenging project. - The mermaid The sand smelled warm, she vanished at every caress of the wind. (Lidia Masci)

IF... Witch

Here comes the Witch , solemn and imperturbable, she is the queen of the realm of the ferocious plants. What kind of magic is she going to put in place with the help of the little black creature at her feet?

A quick look around the garden...