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3 Palms

"Short of Aphrodite, there is nothing lovelier on this planet than a flower, nor more essential than a plant. The true matrix of human life is the greensward covering mother earth. Without green plants, we would neither breathe nor eat. On the undersurface of every leaf, a million movable lips are engaged in devouring carbon dioxide and expelling oxygen. Altogether, 25 million square miles of leaf surface are daily engaged in this miracle of photosynthesis, producing oxygen and food for man and beast."

Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird - The Secret Life of Plants


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The mermaid

Currently working at two book projects! Hope they will both see the light by the end of 2019. This sketch is for the illustration of a poetry and travel memories collection by Italian poet Lidia Masci. Inspiring and challenging project. - The mermaid The sand smelled warm, she vanished at every caress of the wind. (Lidia Masci)

IF... Witch

Here comes the Witch , solemn and imperturbable, she is the queen of the realm of the ferocious plants. What kind of magic is she going to put in place with the help of the little black creature at her feet?

A quick look around the garden...